VY CMa -- a RSG (see Simbad
 | VERA VLBI measurement of VY CMa distance gave
parallax of 0.88+-0.08
mas, which is corresponding to a distance of 1.14
(+0.11,-0.09) kpc to the sun. This new distance modifies the
luminosity of this RSG to be 3(+-0.5)x10^5 Lsun.
(from Choi et al., 2008arXiv0808.0641C) |
 | They present 4.6um CO spectra of the CSE
around two RSGs (potential SN progenitors): Betelgeuse
and VY CMA. In Betelgeuse, the spatial
distribution of CO emission is different from that of K I emission,
indicating that the K I emission is governed by ionization effect. In VY
CMa, the CO clumps are coincident with K I clumps, indicating that K I is
reflected stellar light from the inner edges of CO clumps. VY CMa is very
likely a pre-SN IIn. (from Smith et al., arXiv:0811.3037) |