My python recipes:

Table of contents

  1. Some reference resources
  2. Python built-in functions (link to outside)
  3. Data input/output
  4. Ploting: pylab/matplotlib
    1. Line plot
    2. Scatter plot
    3. Histrogram
    4. Annotation
    5. Axis ranges and scales
    6. Legends
    7. Multiple subplots
    8. colors, symbols, line types
  5. String
    1. make a string 生成字符串变量
    2. string length 字符串长度获取
    3. concatinate strings 连接字符串
    4. copy string 复制字符串
    5. compare strings 比较字符串
    6. get substrings 截取字符串
    7. search and replace substrings 字符串中的搜索和替换
    8. split and combine strings 字符串的分割和组合
    9. Upper or Lower case conversions 字符串中字符大小写的变换
    10. Delete characters in a string 字符串去空格及去指定字符
    11. Change coding of a string 字符串编码和解码的函数
    12. Test the properties of a string 字符串的测试函数
    13. String <=> numbers python字符串与数字的转化
    14. Alignment of strings in output 字符串在输出时的对齐
    15. Quotation marks in a string 字符串中的单引号,双引号