IRAS 03229+4721
my home upper IRC +10216 CIT 6

Caution!! Although I am happy to share my research notes below with all visitors to my webpages, these pages are mainly designed for my own use and subject to change without warning. I do not guarantee the correctness of all contents as well.


V384 Per ( = CIT 5, IRC +50096, RAFGL 489, IRAS 03229+4721, SIMBAD entry)

Basic parameters

Distance = 0.62 (Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
V_LSR = -16.0 km/s(Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
Vexp = 14.5 km/s
(Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)

Molecular observations

  • (Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
    They compiled some basic data and literature information for circumstellar envelopes. The information for
    V Hya is:
    Distance = 0.62 kpc,
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -17 km/s, Vexp = 16.8 km/s, Tmb = 0.21 K, Iint = 4.70, rms = 0.070 K, telescope = BTL
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -16 km/s, Vexp = 14.5 km/s, Tmb = 1.00 K, Iint =, rms =           K , telescope = OSO
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -16 km/s, Vexp = 16.0 km/s, Tmb  =         K, Iint = 14.88, rms =            , telescope = FCRAO
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -16 km/s, Vexp = 14.5 km/s, Tmb = 1.00 K, Iint = 25.00, rms = 0.123 K, telescope = OSO
    HCN 1-0: Vlsr = -17 km/s, Vexp =         km/s, T*    =         K, Iint = 20.00, rms = 0.070 K, telescope = IRAM
    HCN 1-0: Vlsr = -14 km/s, Vexp = 14.5 km/s, Tmb  = 0.40 K, Iint =, rms =           K, telescope = OSO

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