CRL 3068
my home upper IRC +10216 CIT 6 CRL 3068

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CRL 3068 ( = AFGL 3068, LL Peg, IRAS 23166+1655, SIMBAD entry)

Basic parameters

Distance = 0.95 (Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
V_LSR = -31 km/s(Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
Vexp = 14.5 km/s
(Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)

General literature

  • (Loup et al., 1993A&AS...99..291L)
    They compiled some basic data and literature information for circumstellar envelopes. The information for
    AFGL 3068 is:
    Distance = 0.95 kpc,
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp = 14.5 km/s, Tmb = 0.36 K, Iint = 6.90, rms = 0.06 K, telescope = BTL
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp = 12.2 km/s, Tmb = 1.60 K, Iint =                    , rms =            , telescope = FCRAO
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp = 15.0 km/s, Tmb = 1.60 K, Iint = , rms =         K, telescope = OSO
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp = 15.1 km/s, Tmb = 1.60 K, Iint = 31.00, rms = 0.123 K, telescope = OSO
    CO 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp = 13.4 km/s, Tmb = 4.80 K, Iint = 102.00, rms = 0.032 K, telescope = IRAM
    CO 2-1: Vlsr = -30 km/s, Vexp = 14.3 km/s, Tmb = 6.10 K, Iint = 113.00, rms = 0.043 K, telescope = IRAM
    HCN 1-0: Vlsr = -31 km/s, Vexp =      km/s, T*    =         K, Iint = 24.8, rms = 0.060 K, telescope = IRAM
    HCN 1-0: Vlsr = -29 km/s, Vexp =15.0km/s, Tmb  = 0.55K, Iint =, rms =          K, telescope = OSO
    HCN 1-0: Vlsr =       km/s, Vexp =      km/s, Tmb  =         K, Iint =, rms =          K, telescope = OSO

MM observations

  • (Fukasaku et al., 1994ApJ...437..410F)
    Nobeyama 45m observations of HC3N, HC5N, HC7N, CCH, C4H, SiS, and HNC molecules towards carbons stars CRL 618, CRL 2688, CIT 6, and CRL 3068 were reported. The relative abundance of cyanopolynnes, CCH and C4H is similar as in CW Leo, but that of HNC increases with evolution stages. In CRL2688, HNC comes from a smaller region than SiS. In CRL 618, HC3N, J=4-3 show P Cygni profile.
  • (Dehaes et al., 2007MNRAS.377..931D)
    They surveyed 1.2mm continuum of a sample of AGB stars to investigate the AGB mass loss rate evolution from SED modeling. The measured value for AFGL 3068 is F1.2mm = 429.4 ± 25.9 mJy. They fitted the SED of AFGL 3068 with following parameters: Av=0.15 ± 0.15, Tau(0.5um) = 80 ± 5, Teff = 2500K, Td(Rmin) = 600 ± 100 K, dust: AMC. As a result, they also determined other quantities of AFGL 3068 as: L* = 6780 Lsun, Rmin = 9.47 x 10^14 cm, Rmin/R* = 31.1, their mass loss rate and Ve is not reliable because Ve < 5 km/s.



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