Mstars with C
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Caution!! Although I am happy to share my research notes below with all visitors to my webpages, these pages are mainly designed for my own use and subject to change without warning. I do not guarantee the correctness of all contents as well.

List of M stars showing carbon-chemistry molecular lines

New detection of carbon chemistry molecules in oxygen-rich AGB stars: 7 with HCN, 2 with CS and a possible HNC. Typical abundances are of the order of HCN/H2 = 7x10^-7, CS/H2 = 4x10^-7, SiS/H2 = 1x10^-6. (from Lindqvist et al., 1988A&A...205L..15L)
VY CMa: A oxygen rich RSG with HCN molecular line emission equally strong as CO. (Ziurys et al., 2007Nature447_1094)

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