mm masers
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List of evolved stars with mm maser

Carbon stars with mm masers:

CW Leo
SiS masers
The SiS, J=1-0 maser was found in CW Leo. The maser appear at the blue edge of the broad thermal line and the intensity increase with higher spectral resolution. (from Henkel et al., 1983ApJ...267..184H)
HCN masers
A very strong mm maser: HCN,(0,2^0,0),J=1-0 was discovered in the C star CIT6. It is very narrow (FWHM~ 1 km/s). (from Guilloteau et al., 1987A&A...176L..24G)
V Cyg
HCN masers
SiO,J=5-4,8-7 and HCN,J=3-2,4-3 were detected towards CW Leo and other M, S, C type AGB stars. V Cyg was found to show possible maser emission in HCN,(0,1^1c,0),J=3-2,4-3 lines. HCN in M stars is suggested to be produced in the central region by shock chemistry. HCN/SiO ratio increases with increasing mass loss rate for M and S stars. (from Bieging et al., 2000ApJ...543..897B)
W Ori
HCN masers
HCN and H13CN, J=1-0 line was monitored in six optical C stars. Narrow peak was found on the base of very broad lines. The HCN narrow peak was demonstrated to be lasers in W Ori and Y CVn, and probably in other 3 stars. Temperal variation were found in all components with a timescale of months. Many more unsual line profile properties were found. (from Izumiura et al., 1995ApJ...440..728I)
HCN masers
HCN and H13CN, J=1-0 line was monitored in six optical C stars. Narrow peak was found on the base of very broad lines. The HCN narrow peak was demonstrated to be lasers in W Ori and Y CVn, and probably in other 3 stars. Temperal variation were found in all components with a timescale of months. Many more unsual line profile properties were found. (from Izumiura et al., 1995ApJ...440..728I)

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