AFGL 2343
my home upper IRC +10420 HD 179821 AFGL 2343 HR 8752

Caution!! Although I am happy to share my research notes below with all visitors to my webpages, these pages are mainly designed for my own use and subject to change without warning. I do not guarantee the correctness of all contents as well.



12CO J=2-1 and 1-0 mapping of AFGL 2343 with PdBI and IRAM 30m telescopes by (Castro-Carrizo et al., 2007A&A...465..457C) showed: 
There is a detached shell, showing spherical symmetry and clumpiness at a level of ~15% of the maximum brightness. 
The envelope expands isotropically at  about 35 km s-1, about two or three times faster than typical CSEs around AGB stars. 
The innermost regions are denser and cooler (~30 K) than IRC +10420.
Mass loss rate is about 10-4 to 10-3 Mo/yr , with variation of a period of about 1000 years.

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