IRC +10420
my home upper IRC +10420 HD 179821 AFGL 2343 HR 8752

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SIMBAD: IRC +10420

Basic parameters:

L* = 5x10^5 Lsun
Mlr = 3~6x10^-4 Msun/yr
Vexp = 35 km/s (CO)
Vlsr = 101+-6 km/s
Dist = 5 kpc


1. 12CO J=2-1 and 1-0 mapping with PdBI and IRAM 30m telescopes by Castro-Carrizo et al. (2007A&A...465..457C) showed: 
Round extended halo surrounding a bright inner region, with both components presenting aspherical characteristics. It presents a brightness minimum at the center
The envelope expands isotropically at about 35 km s-1, about two or three times faster than typical CSEs around AGB stars. 
High temperatures (~200 K) are derived for the innermost regions. 
Mass loss rate is about 10-4 to 10-3 Mo/yr, with variation of a period of about 1000 years.
IRC +10420 is a post-RSG star, because: 1) its high luminosity (both spectroscopically or large distance); 2) large CO outflow velocity of 40 km/s; 3) prodigious mass loss. (Oudmaijer et al., 2008arXiv0801.2315O)
AMBER/VLTI IR interferometry observation of IRC +10420 showed that the H Br_gamma line emission has a size of 3.3 milliarcsec.
The similarity of Halpha and FeII,6516 emission line maps with HST scattered light map indicates that the line emission is scattered light. The H alpha emission strength map show anisotropy of the mass loss. (Davies et al., 2007ApJ...671.2059D)
Long term decrease of J,K band fluxes indicates rise-up of star temperature. (from Patel et al., 2008arXiv0801.0878P)


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