HD 179821
my home upper IRC +10420 HD 179821 AFGL 2343 HR 8752

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HD 179821

Basic parameters:

Vexp = 30 km/s
Mlr = 5x10^-5 Msun/yr  (was 3x10^-3 Msun/yr in its history)
Dist = ~ 5.6 kpc


It's a post-RSG (YHG) because of its high luminosity (indicated by its strong OI lambda 7774 absorption system) and high CO outflow velocity of 30 km/s. (Oudmaijer et al., 2008arXiv0801.2315O)
Long term decrease of J,K band fluxes indicates rise-up of star temperature. (from Patel et al., 2008arXiv0801.0878P)

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