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(reference book: 
                The Theory of Atomic Structure and Spectra 
                (Los Alamos Series in Basic and Applied Sciences, 3, 1984) (Hardcover)
                by Robert D. Cowan (Author) 
amazon book: new US$ 90.00, used US$54.80, link to its amazon page.)


Use Zeeman effect to measure interstellar magnetic fields: (B// and B-|, from Kochukhov et al., 2004A&A...414..613K)
B//: A longitudinal magnetic field splits spectral lines into oppositely-polarized sigma components which results in a variation of circular polarization across the line profile. This is commonly referred to as a (Stokes V) Zeeman signature or magnetic signature. The amplitude and morphology of the Zeeman signature encode information about the strength and structure of the global magnetic field.
B-|: A transverse magnetic field splits spectral lines into oppositely-polarized pi and sigma components which results in a variation of linear polarization (characterized by Stokes Q and U) across the line profile. 
Use Hanle effect to measure magnetic fields: ...
The critical magnetic field strength (in unit of G) for Hanle effect to take effect is BH = 1.137x10^-7 / t_life / g, where t_life is the radiative lifetime of the upper level of a spectral line, g is the Lande factor. 
Although the g factor of molecular lines is usually much smaller than that of atomic lines, the lifetime of molecular levels are usually much longer, as a result, both molecular and atomic lines have similar critical magnetic field strength for Hanle effect. E.g., BH = 23 G for Sr I 4607 A line, while BH = 8 G for C25161.84 A line.
To detect weak turbulent magnetic fields (like that in the quiet sun), we need differential Hanle effect method: obtaining field strength by observing polarization ratios in various molecular lines.
Use pulsars to measure interstellar magnetic fields: (B//, from Wikipedea pages: Pulsar, Dispersion, and Faraday effect)
For interstellar medium where free electrons causes the Faraday rotation, the rotation angle (beta) is simply dependent upon the wavelength of emission (lambda): beta = RM * lambda^2, where RM is the rotation measure that is related to the electron column density and magnetical field strength as RM = e^3/(8pi^2 e0 m^2 c^3) * int_0^d{ne*B} = 2.62x10-13 int_0^d{ne*B}. Here RM is in rad/m^2, B is in tesla (T), ne is electron density in m^-3.
Due to the dispersion property of the interstellar electron gas, the pulsar timing delay (D) caused by the electron gas is simply related to the radiation frequency (nu) as: D = 4.15ms * (nu/GHz)^-2 * (DM/cm^-3pc), where DM is the dispersion measure DM = int_0^d{ne}.
RM/DM gives a measure of the mean interstellar magnetical field between the pulsar and us.
RM is positive when the rotation is anticlockwise (L-rotation), in which case the B field is parallel to the radiation propogation direction; RM is negative when the rotation is clockwise (R-rotation), in which case the B field is anti-parallel to the radiation propogation direction.
Use Goldrech-Kylafis effect to measure interstellar magnetic fields: ... (Goldreich & Kylafis, 1981ApJ...243L..75G, 1982ApJ...253..606G)
Use synchotron emission to measure interstellar magnetic fields: (B|-) ...
Use dust polarization to measure interstellar magenetic fields: (B|-) ...
Use star light polarization to measure interstellar magenetic fields: (B|-) ...
They formulated the polarization of atomic absorption lines caused by atomic alignment in anisotropic incident radiation field and realignment in magnetic field. They only confined their formulation to atoms (ions) with fine structure levels in the ground electronic state. Simultaneous observation of several absorption lines allow us to determine 3-D magnetic filed distribution.They also gave a review of all currently known methods to estimate magnetic field strength, and gave a introductory summary of many basic concepts related to atomic structure and spectrum in their appendices. (from Yan & Lazarian, 2006ApJ...653.1292Y)
More atoms (ions) with hyperfine structure levels are formulated to detecte magnetic field through their absorption and emission lines. (from Yan & Lazarian, 2007ApJ...657..618Y)
They developed the atomic realignment technique into stronger B field case where they consider the Hanel effect modified by the atomic alignment in the ground state. It can be applied to circumstellar and accretion disks. (from Yan & Lazarian, 2008ApJ...677.1401Y)
Linear polarization simulation of accretion flow/wind of T Tauri stars: Implication for spectropolarimetry observations. (from Lunch box talk by Dr. Dinh-Van-Trung)
Polarization was detected in T Tauri stars (e.g., RY Tau) and Herbig Ae stars (e.g., MWC 480). By assuming Rayleigh scattering by electrons in the ionized regions in the environments  around a young star (accretion disk, accretion flow, accretion shock region, X wind, circumstellar envelope, etc.), he explored the appearance of the polarized emission region and its connection to the spectropolarimetry observations. For Rayleigh scattering, when the scattering angel is 90 degree, the scattered light is assumed to be completely linearly polarized with the polarization direction perpendicular to the source direction; when the scattering angle is zero, no polarization happens. Discussed quantities are I, Q, U, the stokes parameters defined as normal: I is the total line intensity, Q = Ip - Ih (with Ip and Ih the vertically and horizontally polarized components), U = I45 - I-45 (with I45 and I-45 the components polarized along 45 degree and -45 degree direction).

(from ALMA example project) Polarization of a molecular line can be either perpendicular or parallel to the magnetic field line. But the polarization produced by dust grain alignment in matinetic field is always perpendicular to the B field line.


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