Special topics related to binaries
(definition in Wiki entry)

 | Catalogues of binaries: (back
to top)
 | 9th Catalogue of orbit elements of
spectroscopic binaries (SB): here.
More late-type systems than in SB8.
Statistics show two peaks of period of SB1
around 4 days and 1200
days, while two peaks of period of SB2
around 0.4 day and 4
days. The lack of peak of SB1 at 0.4 day is difficult to explain,
while the lack of peak of SB2 at 1200 days could be due to blending of
spectral lines (I think it could be due to the
much lower velocity of the heavy primary in the large orbit.) The
upper envelope of the e-P distribution is
better fit by P(e-1)^3 = const., instead of the expected fixed
periastron distance a(1-e) ~ P^2/3(1-3) = const. (from Pourbaix et al., 2004A&A...424..727P) |
 | CHARA Catalog of Orbital Elements of SB.
Predicted angular separation of components are given. (from Taylor et
al., 2003PASP..115..609T) |
 | 8th Catalogue of orbit elements of
spectroscopic binaries (SB): here. |
 | 18 binaries orbits with red giant components
are listed on page 95 of the book by Peter Eggleton (2006epbm.book.....E).
9 of them are not listed in the 8th catalogue of orbit elements |
 | 29 non-catalysmic binaries involving
Hipparcos M giants. (from Famaey et al., arXiv.0901.0934) (back to top) |
 | Some notes on binaries from the book 'Evolutionary
Processes in Binary and Multiple Stars' by Peter Eggleton (2006epbm.book.....E).
 | Spectrum analysis of a single star only yields parameters such as surface temperature, gravity
and composition, while the mass or radius can
be constraint only by observation of a binary (except the case of white dwarf that has a tight radius-mass relation
and thus both can be inferred from gravity). |
 | Determine orbital parameters with different data:
 | Single line spectroscopic binary (SB1):
P, e,
radial velocity amplitude K or
projected major axis a*sini~K*P*sqrt(1-e^2).
Then the mass is related to the mass function:

where M1 is the mass of the observed star
and M2 is the mass of the unseen star. Units are: K1
in km/s, P in days, a1sini in light-seconds and
masses in solar mass. The inclination angle i usually can not be
measured. If we adopt an average value of 1/sin3i
= 1.25. Then with the definition of mass ratio q = M1/M2,
we have
M1 ~ 1.25 q
* (1+q)2 * f1
M2 ~ 1.25 q
* (1+q)2 * f1
 | Double line spectroscopic binary (SB2):
in addition to P, e,
and K, the mass ratio q can be obtained. But i is still
unknown. |
 | Visible double line spectroscopic binary (VSB2):
in addition to P, e,
K and q,
both M1, M2,
i and distance D can be determined in favorable cases. Here
D is independent of parallax. |
 | Photometric binary or eclipsing binary (EB):
P, e, i, the ratio R1/a,
R2/a of stellar radii to orbital semimajor
axis, and the temperature T2 (provided that the temperatue of the
brighter star T1 is known from spectroscopic analysis). |
 | Eclipsing double line spectroscopic binary (ESB2):
all parameters P, e,
i, a, M1, M2, R1, R2, T1, T2 and D can be determined. One of the two
temperature should be determined from stellar atmosphere modeling of
spectrum. However, for extreme cases, such as O, M stars,
supergiants or subdwarfs as component of the binary, some other
factors such as mass loss, instability, convection
and metallicity might prevent the
parameter determination. |
 | Distorsion of the component stars, one-side warm-up of the cooler component by
the illumination of the hotter one (reflection
effect), gas streams and starspots induced by mass exchange, etc. can
cause unusual features in the light curve. Apsidal
motion (caused by deviation of the force from inverse square
law due to general relativity effects and non-sphericity of the
star) and third body can periodically
affect the minima of the light curve (seen in the O-C
diagrams). |
 | Multiple systems with more than 2 components tend to be hierarchical.
E.g., one close binary with a distant third body. The stable range of orbit size ratio is however highly dependent
upon eccentricities and inclinations between the outer and inner orbits.
See Evans (1968QJRAS...9..388E
and 1977RMxAA...3...13E). |
 | In triple system, when the outer orbit is highly inclined w.r.t. the
inner orbit (i> 39deg), Kozai cycles will occur, say, the eccentricity of the inner
orbit fluctuates cyclically bwtween a small and a large value on a
timescalse of (Pouter^2/Pinner ) * (Mtotal/M3rd).
See Kozai (1962AJ.....67..591K) |
 | IMF of binary is roughly the same as that
of single star: N ~ M^-2.35 when M>0.01 Msun and N = 0 when M <
0.01 Msun. (see Salpeter, 1955ApJ...121..161S). |
 | Currently known period distributions: N ~
P^-0.7 for P< 30yrs; N~p^-1.3 for P > 300 yrs. But it is strongly
affected by the detectability of binaries with different periods.
Periods between 0.1~10^4 years are difficult to detect. |
 | The distribution of mass ratio and eccentricities are more uncertain.
Eccentricities seem to be equally distributed between 0 and 1. |
 | Single star evolution:
 | Formmulas for single star evolution on MS (with solar metallicity:
X=0.7, Y=0.28, Z=0.02 and L, M, R in solar units):
Luminosity:  |
 | Luminosity in V band (~0.5-0.6um):
 | Luminosity in B band (~0.4-0.5um):
Stellar radius:
Stellar surface temperature in kK:
Life time on the main sequence band in Myrs:  |
 | Computed models of MS stars show the stellar
 | Stars with M<0.3Msun:
wholly convective; |
 | Stars with 0.3Msun<M<1.1Msun:
radiative core and convective envelope; |
 | Stars with 1.1Msun<M<1.25Msun:
core starts with radiative
equillibrium and developes convections
across the MS band; |
 | Stars with M >1.25Msun:
convective core and radiative envelope. |
 | Initial-final mass relation: Mf = max [ 0.51+0.049*Mi, min (
0.35+0.11Mi, 0.60+0.06Mi)] for 0.8 < Mi < 7.5
(see Han et al., 1994MNRAS.270..121H)
or Mf ~ 0.4 +0.05Mi + 0.00015Mi^4 for 1
< Mi < 8. (see Weidemann & Koester, 1983A&A...121...77W). |
 | Because the lifetime during the red giant phase is much shorter than on
the main sequence, the ZAMS component usually does not evolve much
during the red giant phase its companion. Thus there are two typical cases of a
red giant binaries: (1) the hotter companion is a
white dwarf that has a higher initial mass and has evolved over the
red giant phase (its ZAMS mass is
higher); (2) the hotter companion is a ZAMS star
with lower initial mass. There could be a much rarer intermediate case
in which both companions are red giants. |
 | Mass loss rate law of red giants: (1)
~ -10^-6.4 eta*L*R/M (all in solar units and megayear) from Reimers (1975MSRSL...8..369R),
with eta a fudge factor arbitrarily
chosen to reach reasonable final core mass;
(2) Mlr ~ -10^-7.6 (R^2/M)^1.43 from Judge & Stencel (1991ApJ...371..357J),
which can be curiously extrapolate to the Sun. The mass loss rate law of
luminous hot stars was given in Chebyshev polynomials by de Jager et
al., 1988A&AS...72..259D.
Nine types of mass loss can be listed:
- a fast, hot,
meagre, Solar-like wind in cool (GKM)
dwarfs and in some GK giants
- a slow, cool,
meagre wind in M giants and some GK
- a slow, cool,
copious wind (superwind) in late M
giants (AGB) stars
- a very fast, hot,
meagre wind in PN neuclei (post-AGB,
- an episodic, meagre,
rotating wind in Be stars
- a fast, meagre
wind in Of stars
- a fast, copious,
episodic wind in LVBs (P Cyg)
- a very fast, somewhat less copious wind in WRs
- an almost instantaneous, copious wind in a supernova explosion
 | Unresolved problems:
- mixing length treatment lacks of
theoretical support
- overshooting treatment
- semiconductive mixing not included
- diffusive separation of elements not
- model for mass loss
- model of rotation and its consequence
to stellar evolution unknown
- model for dynamo activity
- model for photospheres with wind effects
 | Binary evolution modes and cases:
 | 3 modes of evolution according to RLOF timescales:
 | mode 1 -- nucelar; |
 | mode 2 -- thermal; |
 | mode 3 -- hydrodynamical |
 | 4 cases of evolution with RLOF:
 | case A -- the loser is still in
the main sequence band; |
 | case B -- the loser is in the
Hertzprung gap and therefore has a mainly radiative envelope; |
 | case C -- the loser is in the
giant branch and therefore has a mainly convective envelope; |
 | case D -- wide binary system
without RLOF (list for completeness). |
 | Effects of interaction process to the binary orbit:
 | ------------- slow non-conservative
processes -------------------- |
 | GR -- gravitational radiation: tends to
circularise the orbit and
reduce the period and orbit size on a long timescale. |
 | TF -- tidal friction: tends to circularise the orbit and
produce corotation of both stars with the orbit. |
 | RLOF -- Roche lobe overflow: first
decreases P and then
increase it when the mass ratio pass through unity. |
 | Wind processes: increases P and
orbit size, but spin down the
losing star. (including NW -- normal single-star wind; MB --
magnetic braking with tidal friction; EW -- binary-enhanced stellar
wind; PA -- partial accretion of stellar wind; BP -- bipolar
re-emission) |
 | MB -- magnetic braking: if the orbit shrinks or expands depends on
the ratio of alfven radius to orbital radius. |
 | EW-- binary-enhanced stellar wind: single-star
spin-down timescale of stellar wind is about 1/10 of the mass loss timescale. |
 | TB -- third body: causes precession, apsidal motion
and eccetricity variation of the inner
orbit. The effect is more prominent for smaller outer orbit or
larger inclination of the outer orbit. Particularly, when the
inclination angle is >39deg (=1/sins[qrt(2/5)]), the Kozai cycles
can be surprisingly large even when the outer orbit is quite wide.
Some other perturbations such as rotation,
mutual distortion and gravitational wave can produce variation of e
as well, but they drop off rapidly with the inner orbit size. Thus,
for a given inner orbit size, there is a maximum outer orbit size
within whitch Kozai cycle is significant, but this upper limit is
still several thousand times larger than the inner orbit. In a long
run, the Kozai cycle can couple with tidal
friction near periastron when e is the largest to continously
remove energy and angular momentum from the orbit motion. In this
case, the inner orbit shrinks, while the outer orbit expands.
 | Several examples of triple systems are given on page 207. Only
one owns an M III giant and a catalysmic binary: CQ Dra -- [(WD+?; SD, 0.16days) + M3III;
4.7years, e=0.3, f = 0.0076 Msun], see Reimers et al., 1988A&A...193..180R. |
 | ------------- rapid non-conservative
processes -------------------- |
 | DI -- Darwin instability: in the case
where two stars with large mass ratio q are corotating due to tidal friction coupling,
the stellar radius of the bigger component has a maximum value
beyond which the star will begin to take angular
momentum from the orbit motion (I still
don't understand why!!). Subsequently, the orbit will shrink
and become more eccentric. Then, the very small secondary will very
possibly plung into the envelope of the bigger star near the
periastron and thus develope a common envelop
(CE). The secondary will either be smeared out in the CE or blow
away the CE (if the orbit motion is energetic enough). |
 | CE,EJ --
Common envelope, ejection (hydrodynamical mass transfer): when the
two companions get close enough, particularly in an eccentric orbit,
the secondary will be engulfed into the envelope of the primary to
form common envelop (CE), such that a
large fraction of angular momentum and energy can be transfered to
the gas in the CE. As a result, the secondary
is braked and gradually spirals in towards the core of the
primary and thus the mutual orbit will shrink. There are two
possible end products: (1) enough energy and angular momentum are
transferred to the gas and eject the CE,
with a more compact binary left; (2) the secondary is smeared out
and merged with the primary core--merger. |
 | SN -- Supernova explosion: if the SN
explosion is instantaneous and isotropic, the separation and
velocities do not change after the SN explosion. In this case, if
the mass of the residual neutron star or black hole is less than 1/2 of the original mass, the
binary will become unbound. If the SN
explosion is anisotropic, the kick effect can either disrupt
the binary system or push the resulted
neutron star or black hole towards its companion. |
 | DE -- Dynamical encounter: This
occurs mainly in clusters. More massive
stars like neutron stars and close binaries tend to sink into the
center of the cluster and interact there. |
 | Accretion by the companion
 | Four zones from inside to outside around the accretor: (1) a magnetospheric zone in which a magnetic field
anchored in the rotating gainer dominates the flow and matter is
accreted onto the star along the magnetic lines; (2) a Keplerian disk region in which centrifugal
force largely balances gravity in the radial direction, while
viscocity drives an inward gas flow and an outward angular momentum
flux; (3) an inward free-fall region
where the specific angular momentum of gas is small compared to the
Keplerian specific angular momentum; (4) a wind
region around the loser. |
 | The viscocity in the accretion disk
is the most probably from magnetic field
and turbulence, although the source
turbulence is still unclear. |
 | Possible energy source of jets: (1) magnetic pressure; (2) coronal heating
above the disc; (3) nova-like thermonuclear burning on the WD
surface (but not the neutron star surface, because the gravity is
too strong to allow outflow). |
Stellar types related to
binary, roughly along the evolutionary sequence: (back to top)
 | Normal optical bianry: |
 | Algol star: semi-detached bianry in which the
larger, more evolved stars has lower mass than its companion. |
 | Abell-35 subclass of PNe: |
 | Ba dwarfs (including the so-called WIRRing stars) |
 | CH star: G5-K5 giants with very strong CH
bands and enhanced heavy elements such as Sr and Ba. |
 | Barium star: G2-K4 giants showing very strong
Ba II lambda 4554 line. |
 | Extrinsic (Tc-poor) S stars
or C stars |
 | Catalysmic variable (CV):
semi-detached bianry system consisting of a WD and MS star in which mass
transfer is stable on a long time-scale. |
 | d'-type yellow symbiotics: |
 | [?]Symbiotic star: stars with outstanding
spectrum in which there are emission lines as PNe, while the continuum
indicates a relatively low temperature and absorption lines correspond to
spectral type M and luminosity type II-III. The secondary is either an MS
star (in Algol-like symbiotics) or a WD (in nova-like symbiotics). They
could be the early (MS) and late (WD) stages of the Ba star evolution. |
 | [?]Red s-type symbiotic stars, not s-processes enrichment. |
 | post-AGB binaries (with or without enrichment of s-processes) |
 | Double degenerate stars (DDs): binaries consisting of two degenerate stars. |
Other observations:
(back to top)
 | Substantially more than 50% of stars are short-period binaries. (from Petrie, 1960AnAp...23..744P) |
 | Nearly 100% stars are in binaries. (from Poveda et al., 1982ApJ...258..589P) |
 | Normal and abnormal bianry frequencies of
main sequence stars are reviewed. The correlation between high/low duplicity and consequent peculiarities are produced by different dynamical and astrophysical mechanisms. (from Abt, 1983ARA&A..21..343A) |
 | Goldin, Alexey; Makarov, Valery 2007arXiv0706.0361G
found old disk wide binary HIP 754, the nearby AGB star HIP
34922 (L2 Pup), and the nearby M2 dwarf HIP
5496 (GJ 54, at 8 pc from the Sun) which has a resolved M dwarf
companion. |
 | With their radial velocity data of a selected
sample of Hipparcos sources, they identified 12 new
binaries with M giant component, and thus raised the total number of
such evolved binary systems to 29. However, M
giants involving Mira variables have been excluded from their sample because
the confusing radial velocity jitter presented in Mira and SR variables.
(from Famaey et al., arXiv:0901.0934) |
 | They find that the detection rate of binary among field M giants is 6.3%-11.1%, larger with more monitoring data points,
but less than that of K giants. Intrinsic line width
Sb (with instrumental width removed) of all binaries is correlated best with stellar radius R, instead of previously thought luminosity or
effective temperature. Two outliers of Sb-R relation (HD 190658 and HD
219654) turn out to be binary-induced fast rotators.
M giant binaries have Sb < 5 km/s, perhaps
because of the larger size of M giants. (from Frankowski et al., 2009arXiv0901.0937F) |
 | They use a new set of orbits to
construct the first e-logP diagram of M giant
binaries. They found that the orbital elements are not very different among
binaries with M giants, post-AGB
stars, Ba stars and Tc-poor S stars, indicating that (1) post-AGB stars in binary left AGB at an early stage (M4
or so); (2) binary systems with e<0.4logP-1 are
predominantly post-mass-transfer systems (with WD companion of
0.6Msun, like the Ba stars and the Tc-poor S stars); (3) they also found lack of M giant biaries with period<80days and
period(>800days but with small e. There is almost no M giant
binary with circular orbit! (from Jorissen et al., arXiv:0901.0938)
(fig: evolutionary sequence of
different peculiar types of objects, with hatched circles standing for C and
heavy metal enhanced stars. The left
numerated column represents single star
evolution sequence while the right graphic
column represents binary evolution
sequence. Some annotations are added by I.)
 | They identified 19 new close bianry CSPN (central star of PN) in the Galactic bulge via
the OGLE microlensing survey and thus more than doubled the total number of
CSPN to 21. The derived an independent estimate
of close binary fraction of 12-21% among the
sample of PNe, confirming previous estimate of 10-15% and suggesting that binarity is not a precondition for the formation of PN.
Most of the orbital periods P are shorter than 1 day. The period statistics is best
reproduced by CE population synthesis models when no
correlation between primary and secondary masses is assumed for the initial
mass ratio distribution. (from Miszalski et al., arXiv:0901.4419) |
and modeling of binary: (back to top)
 | They discussed the four possible channels of the formation
of Ba/CH stars: (1) wind accretion
(stellar wind + superwind); (2) wind exposure
(all envelope mass lost due to binary enhanced wind before the onset of
superwind); (3) stable RLOF (stellar wind +
RLOF); (4) common envelope ejection (stellar
wind + CE ejection). Their models can well explain observed Ba star number,
orbital period and mass function distributions of Ba and CH stars. They
found that strong Ba stars are formed through
channels (1,2,3) while mild
Ba stars are formed through channels (1,2).
The average mass of strong Ba and CH stars are 1.8 and 1.2 Msun
respectively. The average mass of WD in the Ba
and CH binaries are 0.6 and 0.62 Msun respectively. They also found that the maximum stellar mass for s-processing is 2 Msun. (from Han et al., 1995MNRAS.277.1443H) |
 | They re-examined the prograde and retrograde
three-body hierarchical systems and studied the dependence of stability region upon its parameters. (from Donnison
& Mikulskis, 1995MNRAS.272....1D) |
 | Accretion of circumstellar matter can
produce jets and bipolar structures: Soker 2002, ApJ, 568, 726 and Frank, A.
& Blackman, E. G. 2004, ApJ, 614, 737. |
 | They attempted to make a unified theory for after-AGB
binary evolution. It involves following types of binary systems:
 | Ba stars: G-K type giants with
overabundance of Ba |
 | Abell-35 subclass of PNe |
 | Ba dwarfs (including the so-called
WIRRing stars) |
 | subgiant/giant CH stars |
 | extrinsic S stars |
 | d'-type yellow symbiotics |
 | post-AGB binaries (with or without
enrichment of s-processes) |
 | Red s-type symbiotic stars with a massive
WD companion (> 0.5 Msun), not s-processes enrichment. |
 | catalysmic variables (CVs) with massive
WD companion (> 0.5 Msun). |
They posed an evolutionary 4-step trancient torus
scenario for post-AGB binaries step by step: (1)
wind accretion that lose angular momentum; (2) evolutionary
expansioin of the red giant cause Roche lobe overflow
through L1 point; (3) leak of matter through L2 point forms ejecta that
eventually fall back to collide with the latter ejected winds to form a rotating torus; (4) while most matter is eventually
pushed away by radiation presure on dust, a small amount of matter retains
to form circumbinary Keplerian disk. (from
Frankowski & Jorissen, 2007BaltA..16..104F)
(fig: a 2D scheme of the different types of
after-AGB binaries.)
The Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion was
reviewed together with later numerical studies. When a point source moves
through a uniform medium, the amount of matter accreted by the point source
 | Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion with pressure
free gas:

where v_inf and rho_inf
are the velocity of the point source and the density of the gas, zeta_HL is the so called Hoyle-Lyttleton
radius of a column within which the gas is assumed to be all
accreted because it is bound, M is the mass
of the point source. |
 | Bondi-Hoyle accretion with gas pressure

where c_inf is the sound speed in the gas. |
(from Edgar, 2004NewAR..48..843E) |