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Supernova Remnents -- SNRs (see the wikipedia definition)

ISO LWS/SWS observations of three SNRs W28, W44, and 3C 391, revealed rich atomic fine-structure lines from C+, N+, N++, O0, O++, O+++, Si+, P+, and Fe+, and two H2 lines S(3) and S(9). No single shock model can account for all these detected lines. They find that the major coolants of radiative supernova shocks in moderate-density gas (~102 cm−3) are the far-infrared continuum from dust grains surviving the shock, followed by collisionally excited [O I] 63.2 μm and [Si II] 34.8 μm lines. The principal coolant of the high-density (~104 cm−3) shocks is collisionally excited H2 rotational and ro-vibrational line emission. The presence of bright [Si II] and [Fe II] lines requires partial destruction (~1/3 destruction) of the dust. They prepared a periodic table for all possible hyperfine structure lines (only for abundant elements with p shell electrons). (from Reach & Rho, 2000ApJ...544..843R)
(figs: periodic table for all possible hyperfine structure lines)
snr.hyperfinelines01.gif (28996 字节) snr.hyperfineline02.gif (10445 字节) 
Cross-correlation between all 95 known SNRs and Spitzer GLIMPSE 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8um images within 10deg < l < 65 deg and |b| < 1deg resulted in 18 matches without confusion. Infrared emission from supernova remnants originates from synchrotron emission, shock-heated dust (PAH or small grains), atomic fine-structure lines (coolants), and molecular lines (coolants). The detected remnants are G11.2-0.3, Kes 69, G22.7-0.2, 3C 391, W44, 3C 396, 3C 397, W49B, G54.4-0.3, Kes 17, Kes 20A, RCW 103, G344.7-0.1, G346.6-0.2, CTB 37A, G348.5-0.0, and G349.7+0.2. The infrared colors suggest emission from molecular lines (nine remnants), fine-structure lines (three remnants), PAH (four remnants), or a combination. None of the remnants are dominated by synchrotron radiation at mid-infrared wavelengths. The IRAC-detected sample emphasizes remnants interacting with relatively dense gas, for which most of the shock cooling occurs through molecular or ionic lines in the mid-infrared. (from Reach et al., 2006AJ....131.1479R)

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