Astrophysical masers: see definition
in Wikipedia
Different types of astrophysical masers:
 | Radio wave masers |
 | (Sub)mm masers
 | SiS masers
 | Henkel et al., (1983ApJ...267..184H)
detected SiS maser emission in J=1-0 transition in IRC +10216. |
 | SiS masers: Fonfría Expósito et al., (2006ApJ...646L.127F)
reported detection of SiS mm masers in their J=11-10, J=14-13, and J=15-14 transitions of the v=0 vibrational state
in IRC +10216. The maser pumping mechanism could be line overlap
with mid-IR lines of C2H2, HCN, and their 13C isotopologues. |
 | HCN masers
 | Izumiura et al., (1995ApJ...440..728I)
detected HCN v=0, J=1-0 maser lines from 5 optical carbon
stars. |
 | Lucas and Cernicharo, (1989A&A...218L..20L)
detected HCN J=2-1 (011c0) masers in IRC +10216. |
 | Schilke et al., (2000ApJ...528L..37S)
reported the HCN J=9-8 (0400) maser at 805 GHz in IRC
+10216. Chemical pumping is suggested for this maser in the
inner hot part of circumstellar envelope. |
 | Bieging, (2001ApJ...549L.125B)
detected HCN J=3-2, 4-3 (011c0) maser towards five
carbon stars: R Scl, V384 Per, R Lep, Y CVn, and V Cyg. He used
the ARO HHT 10M telescope. |
 | Schilke and Menten, (2003ApJ...583..446S)
detected HCN J=10-9 maser (891 GHz) in the hot excited
vibrational states (1110) and (0400). The
levels are higher than 4200K, and so the maser should comes from
inner part of the circumstellar envelope and may probe the dust
formation region. |
 | CS masers
 | Highberger et al., (2000ApJ...544..881H)
reported CS v=1, J=3-2, 6-5, 7-6 maser emission from IRC +10216,
using NRAO 12m telescope. The velocity of the maser line
suggests they arise in the inner part of the circumstellar
envelope. |
 | H2O maser |
 | CH3OH maser
 | Class-I methanol maser: 6.7 GHz
masers offset from IR sources and other transitions than the 6.7 GHz
one. |
 | Class-II methanol maser: 6.7 GHz
masers tightly associated with IR sources, OH masers, and H II
regions. |
 | With new collision data, type II CH3OH
masers are still pumped by IR radiation.
A gas temperature above 100K can well reproduce the observed CH3OH
masers in W3(OH). An updated list of methanol II maser candidates is
given. (from Cragg et al., 2005MNRAS.360..533C) |