IRAS 15445-5449 (OH 326.5 -0.4)
-- a possible
water fountain star.
 | The 22 GHz H2O maser is searched for 85 post-AGB
candidates using the Tidbinbilla 70m radio telescope between 2003 April to
2004 April. There are 21 detections. Also
present Mopra observations of 86 GHz SiO masers
to a sub-sample. Five stars were found to show high velocity H2O maser lines
and are water fountain star candidates, including IRAS
15445-5449 (their source name: d46). OH 1612, 1665 and 1667 MHz masers and
22 GHz H2O masers were all detected in IRAS 15445-5449.
The OH profiles were very broad, covering -200~-100 km/s range, while H2O maser peaks were
red-shifted by about 50 km/s (covering -145~-54 km/s). The profiles make the star like a water fountain star. Continuum was detected at
3, 6 and 13 cm to be 11, 18 and 30 mJy respectively (non-thermal, spectral index of
-0.8). (from Deacon et al., 2007ApJ...658.1096D)
(figure: H2O 22 GHz maser and OH 1612, 1665,
1667 GHz maser
spectra of IRAS 15445-5449.)