IRAS 18460-0151 (OH 31.0 -0.2) -- a water
fountain star.
 | The ATCA/VLA OH 1612 MHz maser survey to the northern sky found 286 OH-masing
objects, 161 of them are new detections. Three water fountain stars were
also observed: IRAS 18460-0151(img58), IRAS 18286-0959(img54) and IRAS 18450-0148(img57).
(from Sevenster et al., 2001A&A...366..481S)
(figure: OH 1612 MHz maser line profile
of IRAS 18460-0151. X: km/s, Y:
 | IR counterparts of all 23 masing source and 18 very red objects are
identified in Spitzer/GLIMPSE images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μm. Two
new water fountain stars (IRAS
18286-0959, IRAS 18460-0151) and an SiO maser with companion nebulosity (IRAS 19027+0517) are found by Nobeyama 45m
observations. The non-detection of HCO+, J=1-0 for the H2O maser sources
demonstrates that they are not young stellar objects. The H2O masers of IRAS
18460 covering -60 ~ 225 km/s and so,Vexp = ~142 km/s,
Vlsr = ~82 km/s.(from Deguchi et al., 2007ApJ...664.1130D)
(figure: H2O masers of IRAS 18460-0151)