IRAS 16552-3050 (PN PM 1-120) -- a possible
water fountain star.
 | A 22GHz H2O maser survey of post-AGB and PNe candidates detected 5 sources among which 4 are new:
two in PNe (IRAS 17443-2949 and
IRAS 18061-2505), a “water
fountain” in a post-AGB star (IRAS 16552-3050),
and one in a source previously catalogued as a PN, but whose classification is
uncertain (IRAS
17580-3111). Up to now, four PNe are known to have H2O
masers. They concluded that the presence of H2O maser in PNe indicates massive, rapidly evolving
PNe. (from Suarez et al., 2007A&A...467.1085S)
(figure: H2O maser spectra observed at
3 epoches.)
 | VLA mapping of the H2O masers in IRAS 16552-3050 revealed bipolar
distribution with ~170 km/s velocity separation and
0.08" spatial
separation. This source has no optical counterpart or 2MASS
counterpart. They mentioned that about half of the 11 known
water fountain stars do not have IR counterpart in 2MASS catalog. (from
Suarez et al., 2008ApJ...689..430S)
(Fig. left -- H2O maser spectrum and map obtained in March
2007; right -- the same data obtained in Dec. 2008.)