IRAS 19190
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IRAS 19190+1102 (PN PM 1-298) -- a likely but strange water fountain star

OH 1612 and 1667 MHz masers and H2O masers detected in IRAS 19190+1102. OH and H2O maser show larger H2O Vexp and different masers show different Vlsr. It is possibly a water fountain star, but looks really strange. Interestellar emission contamination should be considered. (from Likkel, 1989ApJ...344..350L)
(figure: left -- OH masers; right -- H2O masers detected in different epoches. X_top: km/s, Y: Jy.)
IRAS194.gif (17132 字节) IRAS195.gif (11838 字节)

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