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Line Radiative Transfer (LRT)

Table of content

Molecular input data files for RT
Maser observtions
Maser pumping


Molecular input data files for RT  (back to top)

                 (----- The file format is conform to that of the LAMDA database. -----)
HC3N: hc3n@2007.dat  
Notes: J=0-50, the energy level structures and Aij are from CDMS database, while the collision rate coefficients are extrapolated to 3~2000 K from accurate data within 5 K < T < 100 K (from Wernli et al., 2007A&A...464.1147W). The formula for the extrapolation is from the same paper. Note that some extrapolated collision rate coefficients that show a stronger rising tendency with temperature may not be correct, e.g., that of transitions J=49-38, 49-39, etc.

Literature  (back to top)

Some issues in molecular line radiative transfer in magnetic field. The two sources of linear and circular polarization from molecules in B filed: 
Zeeman effect of some molecule lines (linearly polarized pi,circularly polarized sigma+ and sigma- components) have been observed (e.g., H I, OH and CN). Other candidate molecules that may show the Zeeman effect are CH, CCS and SO
Goldreich Kylafis effect (anisotropic radiation field due to velocity gradient in molecular clouds will cause linear polarization as large as 10-20%. see Goldreich & Kylafis, 1981ApJ...243L..75G, 1982ApJ...253..606G, Kylafis, 1983ApJ...267..137K, 1983ApJ...275..135K and Kylafis & Shapiro 1983ApJ...272L..35K
Anisotropy enduced linear polarization of astrophysical masers (including radiation from a star) was discussed (from Western & Watson, 1983ApJ...274..195W, 1983ApJ...275..195W)
The degree of linear polarization in Goldreich Kylafis effect of molecular lines decreases when more more energy levels are considered (coupling of multiple levels). Consequently, J=2-1 has lower degree of polarization than J=1-0. see Deguchi & Watson, 1984ApJ...285..126D
Radiative transfer equations for linearly polarized maser was presented. (from Western & Watson, 1983ApJ...268..849W)
Radiative transfer treatment of hyperfine anomalies (different Tex among hyperfine lines):
    (NH3) Stutzki & Winnewisser,1985A&A...144...13S
    (HCN) Truong-Bach & Nguyen-Q-Rieu, 1989A&A...214..267T
    (HCN,CN) Lindqvist et al., 2000A&A...361.1036L
------------------ Escape Probability Method -----------------
Escape probability method was extended to spherical cloud. (from Deguchi & Fukui, 1977PASJ...29..683D)
A unified treatment of escape probabilities in static and moving media. (from Hummer & Ribicki, 1982ApJ...254..767H)
They gave a model grid in the 3-parameter space (Tr, Nh2, Xco/(dV/dr)) for CO, 1-0 temperature and CO [2-1]/[1-0] ratio. This grid can be used to compare with observations to directly constrain the three parameters. (from Goldsmith et al., 1983ApJS...51..203G)
Radiative transfer with dust opacity and thermal balance in a warm dusty medium. (from Takahashi et al., 1983ApJ...275..145T)
The extended the Sobolev approximation with continuum opacity. (from Hummer & Ribicki, 1985ApJ...293..258H)
Line overlap applied to OH. (from Doel et al., 1990MNRAS.244..504D)
Sobolev approximation with partial frequency redistribution. (from Hummer & Ribicki, 1992ApJ...387..248H)
They developed a Coupled Escape Probability (CEP) method for radiative transfer in an exact way. But currently it is only for plane parallel model. (from Elitzur & Ramos, 2006MNRAS.365..779E)
------------------ Ray Tracing Method -----------------
A 3D continuum radiative transfer (step-size controlled, ray-tracing, adaptive multi-wavelength photon transport grids) code for complex dust configurations around stellar objects and AGN. (from Steinacker et al., 2003A&A...401..405S)
------------------ Monte Carlo Method -----------------
A Monte Carlo approach to non-LTE radiative transfer problems. (from Burnes, 1979A&A....73...67B)
RATRAN: An accelerated Monte Carlo method of 2D radiative transfer. (from Hogerheijde & van der Tak, 2000A&A...362..697H)
------------------ Others -----------------
Radiative transfer with microturbulence and systematic motions in molcular clouds. (from White, 1977ApJ...211..744W)
Collisional-radiative switching -- a powerful technique for converging non-LTE calculations. (from Hummer & Voels, 1988A&A...192..279H)
They discussed the OH maser line shape under two limiting assumpions of complete velocity redistribution and no velocity redistribution. (from Field et al., 1994A&A...282..213F)
An efficient algorithm for 2D radiative transfer. (from Dullemond & Turolla, 2000A&A...360.1187D)
A comparison of different versions of molecular line radiative transfer codes (LI, MC, ALI, AMC and MULTI) showed that they agree with eath other within 20% accuracy. The largest disagreement is at the location where transition from collision to radiative excitation occurs. These results may serve as a benchmark for future code developement. (from van Zadelhoff et al., 2002A&A...395..373V)
Compare ray-tracing and Monte Carlo radiative transfer models in dusty galaxies. (from Semionov & Vansevicius, 2002BaltA..11..537S)
Hyperfine structure lines provides information on optical depths which is otherwise difficult to obtain (from Schmid-Burgk et al., 2004A&A...419..949S)
The primary source of uncertainties of RT comes from the collision rate coefficients, the second source is the value of dipole moments. (from Schoier et al., 2005A&A...432..369S)
They use radiative transfer model to determine mass loss rate history of VY CMa. (from Decin et al., 2006A&A...456..549D)

Maser observations  (back to top)

----------HCN masers---------
Discovery of HCN J=1-0 maser in the carbon star CIT 6. (from Guilloteau et al., 1987).
Discovery of stronger HCN J=2-1 maser in carbon star IRC +10216. (from Lucas & Cernicharo, 1989)
----------H masers---------
Discovery of H recombination line masers in emission line source MWC 349. (from Martin-Pintado et al., 1989) Level population calculations showed the physical parameter ranges to invert these H recombination line masers. (from Walmsley 1990) A modeling was shown by Ponomarev et al. (1990).
----------H2O masers---------
Detection of sub-mm H2O masers 4(1,4)-3(2,1)  at 380 GHz through Kuiper Airborne Observatory. (Philips et al. 1980)
Detection of sub-mm H2O masers 3(1,2)-2(2,0)  at 183 GHz through Kuiper Airborne Observatory. (Waters et al. 1980, Kuiper et al. 1984)
They detected sub-mm H2O maser 10(2,9)-9(3,6) in both evolved stars and star forming regions at 321 GHz. (from Menten et al., 1990)
Interferometry of H2O masers in star formation region W49 at five epochs set up new standard of interstellar H2O masers. W49 is the most luminous H2O maser in the Galaxy. (from Gwinn et al., 1991)
----------SiO masers---------
SiO masers vary in phase with IR but usually lag by a 0.2 phase w.r.t. optical light in late type stars. This could be related to the heating transfered by shocks. (Nyman & Olofsson 1986, martinez et al. 1988)
----------CH3OH masers---------
----------NH3 masers---------
Review of masers (by Elitzur, 1992ARA&A..30...75E)

Maser pumping  (back to top)

----------OH masers---------collisional pump---
Collisional pumping of OH masers (Shapiro & Kaplan 1979, Dixon & field 1979a,b,c, Flower 1979, Elitzur 1979). The collision with  atomic H seems to supply the most efficient pumping. This mechanism requires collisional rates among rotational levels are comparable as radiative excitation rates but not to high to cause collisional thermalization of the rotational levels. This condition may not be easy to fulfill. 
Collisional pumping of OH masers by non-elastic collisions with H2 molecules. This has two effects: 1) the depopulation of the lower fine structure level of the ground 2PI3/2 state; 2) the overpopulation of the higher fine structure levels of the excited 2PI1/2 states, while the casecade within the 2PI1/2 ladder conserves this character until the last transition (from 2PI1/2 ladder to 2PI3/2 ladder) in which overpopulated upper fine structure level particles in 2PI1/2 ladder go into the lower fine structure level of the ground 2PI3/2 state and the depopulated fine structure level particles in the 2PI1/2 ladder go into the higher fine structure level of the ground 2PI3/2 state. Both effects pump the OH main line masers. However, the collisional excitation of the 2PI3/2 ladder is a competing mechanism that destroys the population inversion. (from Andresen et al., 1984A&A...138L..17A)
With fairly accurate collision OH-H2 rates from Dewangan et al. (1987), they demonstated that the in-elastic collisions can effectly invert masers in the 2PI1/2 lader. (from Kylafis et al., 1990ApJ...350..209K)
----------OH masers---------radiative pump---
Far IR pumping of OH masers due to the slight asymmetries in the dipole matrix elements of rotational transitions. (Elitzur 1978; Lucas 1979a,b; Bujarrabal et al. 1980A&A....81....1B; Nguyen-Q-Rieu et al. 1979).
----------OH masers---------thermal line overlap pump---
Thermal line overlap pumping of OH masers. In the case of H II/OH regions, the radiation from a larger warmer cloud can easily pump OH masers in a smaller cooler OH cloud (from Locus 1979a,b). At larger column density at which this mechanism is less efficient, thermal overlaps of IR lines within the cloud can pump maser. The thermal overlap has two major effects: 1) increase the traping of photons and thus reduce the population in the lower levels of the overlaped lines; 2) tends to mix (particularly equalize) the populations of the upper levels of two lines. (Guilloteau et al.,1979)
----------OH masers---------non-local line overlap pump---
Near IR pumping of OH masers is possible due to the coincidence of H2O emission line and OH absorption line around 2.8 um. (Litvak 1969, Cimerman & Scoville 1979).
Far IR line overlap of hyperfine lines as a more powerful pumping mechanism of OH masers (Omont 1980IAUS...87..559O). In the case circumstellar OH main line masers, most gas clumps are receeding from each other, and the line overlaps can produce masers. Hyperfine components of IR transitions at one location can  overlap with other components at another place. Because in CSE most IR OH lines are absorption, the overlaps usually enhance the populations of the lower levels of these IR transitions. The 1667 MHz maser is mainly inverted by overlaps 5-2, 6-2 and 14-4, 13-3, while the pair 22-2, 21-1 has an important anti-inverting effect which will dominate when the 35um absorption is optically thick and thus quench the 1667 MHz masr. The 1665 MHz maser is mainly inverted by the overlap 23-3, 24-4. When the 1612 MHz maser is strong, the 1665 MHz maser will be weakened due to the competetion for populations with the 1612 MHz maser. Here the numbering of enery levels are shown in their paper. (Bujarrabal et al., 1980A&A....84..311B)
----------OH masers---------miscellaneous discussions---
Pumping of type II OH 1612 masers (Litvak 1969, Elitzur et al. 1976, Elitzur 1976).
----------H2O masers---------
Two temperature collisional pumping of interstellar H2O masers: collisions with cooler elentron gas and warmer neutral gas can produce arbitrarily high brightness maser temperatures. (from Strelnitskij 1980, 1984)
An alternative collisional pumping mechanism of interstellar H2O masers: newly formed H2 molecules are ejected from grain surface into gas phase in highly excited vibrational states, they collide with H2O molecules and excite them to high vibrational states, successive cascading may inert the maser levels. (from Varshalovich et al., 1983)
Collisional pumping of H2O maser is sufficient to explain observed interstellar H2O masers. (Genzel 1986)
Analysis of H2O masers predicted that there should be many more H2O masers in sub-mm region with comparable photon lominosity as the famous 22 GHz H2O maser, no matter in evolved stars or star forming region. (from Cooke & Elitzur 1985, Elitzur 1989)

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