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Basic Molecular Data

Collision rate coefficients
Collision rates maintained by S. Green at NASA GISS.
BASECOL database for ro-vibrational collisional excitation.
Collision rates between CO, CS, OCS and HC3N with He and H2 are presented for temperature up to 100K and up to J=20. The rates are computed by solving quantum mechanical equations. (from Green & Chapman, 1978ApJS...37..169G)
Summaries of theoretical methods and uncertainties involved in determining collisional rate coefficients are given in books: 
-- Roueff, E., 1990, in Molecular Astrophysics, ed. T. W. Hartquist (Cambridge University Press), 232.
-- Flower, E. 1990, in Molecular collisions in the interstellar medium, Cambridge Astrophysics Series (Cambridge: Unversity Press)
Ro-vibrational collision rates of diatomic molecules: Chandra & Sharma, 2001A&A...376..356C
LAMDA database: energy levels, statistical weights, Einstein A-coefficients and collisional rate coefficients of some astrophysically intersting molecules are given. Collision rates are extrapolated to higher energies (up to E/k ~ 1000 K). (from Schoier et al., 2005A&A...432..369S)
Rate of collision is where ncol is the number density of the collision partners and gamma_ul is the downward collision rate coefficient (in cm^3s^-1). gamma_ul is the Maxwellian average of the collision cross section, sigma,
where k is Boltzmann constant, mu is the reduced mass of the system, and E is the center-of-mass collision energy.
The upward collision rate coefficient can be derived through detailed balance as
where g is a statistic weight.
The collision coefficient rates of collisions with He and H2 at low gas temperature can be roughly scaled to each other through
and if X is more massive than He and H2, the scaling factor is ~1.4. This is because the cross section of H2 at J=0 state is equal to that of He. This formula works the best for O->S substitutions (e.g., HCO+ -> HCS+). The values with H2, J=1 can be larger by factors of 2-5 due to more interaction potential terms.
Uncertainties of collision rate coefficients:
-- Close-Coupling (CC) method: a few % (work well for low collision energies and reltively light species);
-- Coupled States (CSt) method: ~10% to a factor of 2;
-- Infinite Order Sudden (IOS) approximation: up to a order of magnitude.
(the largest source of error is from the potential surfaces and it is difficult to assess. The most accurate method is that of Configuration Interaction (CI), but it is time consuming. Other methods like Hartree-Fock Self-Consisten-field (SCF), perturbation methods and Density Functional Theory (DFT), all have its drawbacks. Electron Gas model is outdated, but still in use in some cases.)
How to extrapolate collision rate coefficients from existed data:
Linear molecules
If the basic downward rate coefficients gamma_ L0 (from other levels to the ground level) are known, then the rate coefficients among any pairs of levels can be calculated from
where the term in the large parentheses is the Wigner 3-j symbol. This is valid only in the limit where the kinetic energy of the colliding molecules is large compared to the energy splitting of the rotational levels. This limit can be overcome by multiplying to the part within the summation with 
where and B0 is the rotational constant in cm^-1, l is the scattering length in angstrum (usually l ~ 3 A), mu is the reduced mass of the system in amu, and T is the kinetic temperature in K. This formula can be used to exptrapolate down to J=0 for both T and J.
The basic rate coefficient gamma_L0 can be extended from existed data set in either of two alternative ways:
    # -- use , in which y = dEul / kT, and a,b and c are parameters to be determined from existed data (better over a larger range of energy, and can be used for other level pairs, with uncertainty within 50%, typically within 20%);
    # -- use to fit existed data set to determine a, b and c.
Non-linear molecules
No general formula in this case. One needs to inspect the existed data set and find an approximation function for the  extrapolation. Here is the example of SO2:
molecu10.jpg (70092 字节)
Here the left figure shows the trends of collision rate coefficients over J and T, the right figure shows the dependence upon DJ.
Rotational excitation rate coefficients of HC3N (J=0-50) with H2 and He at low temperature (5-100K) are obtained from extensive quantum (Close Coupling for J<=15) and quasi-classical (Quasi-Classic Trajectory method for J>15) calculations using new accurate potential energy surfaces (PES). The rod-like symmetry of the PES strongly favor even dJ transitions and efficiently drives large dJ transitions. Rates of ortho-H2 and para-H2 are similar at the low temperature, due to the predominance of the geometry effects. Population inversion is possible with the selective collision pumping in steady state with H2 density of 10^4-10^6 cm^-3. The collision rate coefficients are fitted with a formula:
        log10( K_J,J'(T) ) = SUM_n=0^4{ a_J,J'^(n) * x^n }
in which K_J,J'(T) is the rate coefficient from upper level J to lower level J' at temperature T, a_J,J'^(n) are 5 coefficients (n=0,1,2,3,4) determined by fitting the accurate results and tabulated in their electronic table 1A, and x = T^(-1/6). All the collision rate coefficients can be reproduced from these fitted formulae. This is their procedure to calculate the collisioin rate coefficients:
Part 1: calculate the potential energy surface (PES)
        define spatial grids to sample distance between HC3N-H2 and orientations =>
        use the direct parallel code DIRCCR12 to calculate the PES at each grid point => 
        use angular spline to represent the PES (using a scaling function Sf for larger distance) 
Part 2: dynamic calculation
        use MOLSCAT code to perform close coupling calculations for lower levels (J<=15) =>
        use Monte Carlo Quasi-Classic Trajectory (QCT) method for higher levels (J>15)
Here is a space separated text version of the electronic table 1A: Wernli_2007A+A___464_1147W_tab1a.txt. (from Wernli et al., 2007A&A...464.1147W)
They calculated the rate coefficients among the first 41 rotational levels of the silicon monosulfide (SiS) molecule in its ground vibrational state in collision with para- and ortho-H. (from Klos & Lique, 2008MNRAS.tmp.1004K)

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