Herschel -- an FIR/submm space
telescope (homepage)
Table of contents:
Scientific capabilities: spectroscopy and photometry.
HIFI facts: (online HTML manual)
- Mixers:
(back to top)
HIFI mixers
Band name* |
Band 1 |
Band 2 |
Band 3 |
Band 4 |
Band 5 |
Band 6 |
Band 7 |
Type |
LO Freq (GHz) |
488.1-628.1 |
642.3-792.9 |
807.1-952.9 |
967.1-1112.8 |
1116.2-1241.8 |
1412.2-1907.8 |
Sub-bands (GHz) ** |
1a |
1b |
2a |
2b |
3a |
3b |
4a |
4b |
5a |
5b |
6a |
6b |
7a |
7b |
488.1-551.9 |
563.5-628.1 |
634.1-717.9 |
724.1-792.9 |
807.1-851.9 |
866.1-952.9 |
957.2-1052.8 |
1058.7-1112.8 |
1116.2-1240.8 |
1240.2- 11271.8 |
1429.2 -1576.8 |
1576.2-1699.8 |
1699.2-1795.8 |
1795.2- 1902.8 |
IF(GHz) |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
2.4 |
Beam size |
39" |
30" |
25" |
21" |
19" |
13" |
* Each band is further split into two: a and b, due to the use of two independent LO chains for the lower and higer frequency part respectively.
** Subband divisions from HSpot software settings.
Note that the beam sizes are given for the middle frequency of each subband. The beam size is linearly proportional to wavelength.
- Spectrometers:
(back to top)
HIFI backends |
Name* |
WBS x2 |
HRS x2 |
Type** |
Band width |
4GHz for Band 1-5 2.4GHz for Band 6-7 |
depends on resolution:
2.00 GHz @1 MHz resol. to
0.25 GHz @ 0.125 MHz resol. |
Resolution |
1.1 MHz |
0.125-1.00 MHz |
channels |
2200? |
2040 |
* "x2" means there are two identical spectrometers for two linear polarization components (H and V). They can work in parallel or alone. The parameters are for one spectrometer.
** AOS = Acousto-Optical Spectrometer; ACS = Auto-Correlator System.
- Observation modes:
(back to top)
HIFI observation modes
Single point |
Mapping |
Spectral scan |
Position switch |
fixed point position switch |
on-the-fly scan map |
Dual beam switch |
point w/beam switch |
II-2 (X)
DBS raster map (+cross) |
DBS spectral scan |
Frequency switch |
Point w/frequency switch |
Frequency switch scan map |
Frequncy switch spectral scan |
Load chop |
Fixed w/load chop |
- HIFI beam efficiencies
(back to top)
(Section in HIFI observer's manual)
Usually, the HIFI antenna temperature TA should be corrected by
Tmb = TA / (ηA / ηl) (for point sources) or
Tmb = TA / (ηmb / ηl) (for extended sources)
Tab 5.5 HIFI beam efficiencies
Band |
η_A |
η_mb |
1 |
0.707 |
0.685 |
2 |
0.705 |
0.681 |
3 |
0.702 |
0.677 |
4 |
0.699 |
0.670 |
5 |
0.695 |
0.662 |
6 |
0.686 |
0.645 |
7 |
0.673 |
0.632 |
Note that we have no obvious way to measure the forward efficiency η_l since we cannot conduct skydips
in the same fashion as ground-based telescopes do. It is expected that OFF calibrations, assuming a radiation temperature for the telescope, will be used when on orbit (see Section 5.2). For HIFI, η_l = 0.96 can be used.
The η_mb can also be computed from η_b = η_mb / η_l, with η_b being computed from the Ruze fomula for the Herschel/HIFI (diameter = 3.28m, surface accuracy = 3 micron):
η_b = 0.72*exp(-(nu/6000000.0)^2),
where nu is frequency in MHz.
- K=>Jy (back to top)
(Section 5.3.6 in HIFI observer's manual)
This is dependent on the HIFI beam efficiency at each frequencies. The following formula can be used:
S / T_A = Ap/2k * eta_A/eta_l = 326.9 / eta_A (Jy/K)
in which Ap is the physical telescope aperture area, k is the boltzmann constant, etal_l = 0.96 is the forward efficiency, the beam efficiency eta_A can be found in above table. (from HIFI observater's manual: http://herschel.esac.esa.int/Documentation.shtml)
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