My instrumentation page
 | Millimeter/radio instruments |
Observation issues
My telescope pages:
mm/submm: AROKP12M, AROSMT10m, CSO, Delingha13.7m, Herschel,
radio: YNAO40m, SESHAN25m
 | Optical/Infrared instruments |
My telescope pages: IRAS ISO LSST AKARI Spitzer WISE
To avoid excessive heating of the feed legs, the prime focus regions, and the cables of the prime focus, the SMT telescope will not be pointed to within 42 degrees of the sun, 15 degrees for the 12 Meter. The following table lists the apparent RA and Dec of the Sun on the first of each month (we have ignored the small year-to-year changes due to precession). Observers are encouraged to use this information to specify their proposal requests for observing time.
Date |
RA |
Dec |
January 1 |
18:43:58 |
-23:03:09 |
February 1 |
20:56:29 |
-17:17:11 |
March 1 |
22:45:56 |
-07:50:20 |
April 1 |
00:39:47 |
+04:16:56 |
May 1 |
02:31:07 |
+14:52:24 |
June 1 |
04:33:49 |
+21:57:37 |
July 1 |
06:38:05 |
+23:08:56 |
August 1 |
08:43:00 |
+18:10:52 |
September 1 |
10:39:07 |
+08:31:16 |
October 1 |
12:27:05 |
-02:55:31 |
November 1 |
14:22:58 |
-14:12:38 |
December 1 |
16:26:20 |
-21:41:35 |
Verifying source distance from Sun using Astro:
- Create a temporary catalog, say, of the format:
- source b1950_ra b1950_dec "LS" v_lsr
- See example of catalog contents.
- Open program astro by typing "astro" in modelo. smtoast on Mt. Graham.
- Set catalog by typing "catalog" (or whatever you've called it)
- Type "horizon /source /planet".
- This will produce a plot showing observability times AND it will list degrees from sun and dates of sun avoidance.