Location: East 102d 47m 24s, North 25d 01m 19s
Elevation: 2000 m above sea level
Diameter: 40m for nu < 3.75 GHz; 26m for nu > 3.75 GHz
Mounting: Azimuth-Elevation
F/D: 0.33 (primary focus?? how about the Cassegrain focus??)
Surface structure: Aluminum panels (in the inner 26m diameter) + Welded stainless steel mesh (outer part) + subreflecter of diameter 4.2m
RMS Surface Accuracy: 0.256mm (inner diameter of 26m) and 0.496mm (outer mesh)
Pointing accuracy: 28"
Slew rate: 0.001~0.5 deg/sec (elevation); 0.001~1.0 deg/sec (Azimuth)
Slew range : 2~90 deg (elevation); +-270 deg from south (Azimuth)
Tower hight: 10m (made of concrete)
Total weight: 360 Ton
Frequency range: S/X band (currently only bwteen
2.2-2.3 GHz, limited by feed system), K band (22-24 GHz, in plan)
Receiver & Backends: Pulsar receiver (continuum sampled at several frequencies with a time resolution of 20 ms), 23GHz receiver (for H2O and NH3, in plan)